Mother Wound Survivors:

Do You Want to Break Free from Your Past? 

Transform Your Pain into Power with Trauma-Informed Coaching

Explore the root cause of your Mother Wound symptoms and use your subconscious mind to change your narrative and limiting beliefs. 

Book A Clarity Call

Do You Want to Break Free

from Your Past? 

Get more confidence, stop being a people-pleaser and playing small & start thriving in life.

Book A Clarity Call

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If you grew up with an emotionally unavailable, narcissistic or abusive mother, you would have a low sense of self and  empowerment


you need to work on releasing emotions and limiting beliefs, which are usually formed in childhood, to change your behaviour and habits.

Is this you right now?

You don't feel good enough.

You are a chronic people-pleaser.

You have low esteem and low boundaries

You fear rejection and abandonment

You don't know how to stand up for yourself or voice your opinions

You lack motivation and procrastinate 

Would you like to have...

Confidence and more self-worth

A stronger sense of self 

Healthier relationships

Better boundaries in your relationships

Self-compassion when you make a mistake

Motivation to change your life

More peace and feel less anxious

This is why willpower is not enough to change you.

The conscious mind alone can't change behaviours and limiting beliefs because these are deeply embedded in the subconscious, which operates automatically and powerfully influences thoughts and behaviours.

Real change requires getting to the root cause of the behaviour and limiting beliefs. 

Accessing and reprogramming the subconscious, where these ingrained patterns reside, is what I can help you do. 


I am Marisa.

I grew up in Singapore in a very conservative Chinese family with controlling parents. My mother was emotionally unavailable and critical, which led me to have low self-worth. I became the "good girl", the people-pleaser with low boundaries. I was in and out of toxic relationships and friendships. I was once called a "doormat" because I didn't know how to say "No". 

Then, at 30, I started doing inner work, cultivating self-awareness, healing my emotional wounds, and rewiring my limiting beliefs.

I started my coaching journey 9 years ago as a holistic health coach. I began to recognise a common thread among my clients: their challenging mother-daughter dynamic, which affected their self-worth and led to burnout and health issues. 

Now, I support women healing from childhood trauma and stepping into their authentic power. 

I'm a trauma-informed coach and a neuro-linguistics programming practitioner, and I'm trained in root cause therapy. But most importantly, I'm a Mother Wound survivor. 

Learn More

Interested in working on healing your mother wound and limiting beliefs?

Online Course

My low-cost, self-paced Mother Wound Mastery Mini-Course is the best place to start. It will give you many answers as to why you have those mother wound symptoms, as well as practical tools and resources.

Find Out More >>

One-To-One Coaching

My Wounds to Wisdom Program suits someone ready to break free from the past by rewiring their subconscious mind and releasing pent-up emotions. It also includes accountability to support you in doing the inner work. 

Find Out More >>


Wounds to Wisdom Circle is good for someone who wants to try healing their mother's wound but wants to do the work in a community setting. We offer two sessions and gather every two weeks on Tuesday at 13.00 CET or 20.00 CET. 

Coming in Sep 2024!

What My Clients Say


I have been working with Marisa, and I am amazed. I'm quite skeptical of most therapies, but I wanted to try Root Cause Therapy and wasn't disappointed. Marisa was very gentle and eased me into it carefully, the amount of depth to discover my limiting beliefs was an eye opener! I've tried many therapies and this one looks like it could be the "one" to help me. 

Stephanie S. 

I'm speechless!

After the first session, I feel light and attuned to the present moment. There's no worry or nervousness like I had before the session. It helps me clear my thoughts. I'm now energetic, I have the can do attitude. Marisa is thoughtful and understanding, and I feel very safe to share and show my vulnerability. Such an amazing session! 

Darika D. 

Compassionate & gentle 

Her encouragement to dig deeper and her full-on focus on the client during her sessions created a safe space to explore patterns in my life. With her guidance, I am finding a new sense of empowerment, a brighter outlook on the future and a more forgiving outlook on the past. I highly recommend Marisa to anyone on a personal growth self-discovery journey. 

Theri K.

Read More Testimonials

Recent Blog Articles

5 Steps to Let Go of Sh*t That Bothers You

Heal Your Mother Wound

How to Cultivate Self-Love

Stop procrastinating and do one small step right now...

Let's have a call to discuss how we can work together and determine whether we are a good fit. 

(P/S: I'm very much a vibes person so you have to feel safe otherwise, it doesn't work)

Book a call with me

Stop procrastinating and do one small step...

Let's get on a call to discuss how we can work together.

(P/S: I'm very much a vibes person, so you need to feel safe. If not, it doesn't work out)