Embracing Body Positivity as a Mother
Jul 30, 2021
Summer is here, and it can cause a lot of mixed emotions. Not everyone is happy about wearing a swimsuit, especially if you are a mum who hasn't lost your post-baby weight. Or maybe you gained some weight in the past year, which is valid for my case. There, I admit - I'm heavier, and I no longer fit into my old swimsuits, but this year, instead of bashing myself and going on a strict diet- (the ketogenic diet and intermittent fasting are all the rage now!) I decided to take a different approach. I will love my body, accept where I am right now, and get a bigger swimsuit that fits my new body. :)
So, if you are struggling to lose weight this summer and feel like you failed, hear me out.
You are more than your body.
You are a mother who is strong, kind, creative, intelligent, funny, helpful, loving, passionate, ambitious and unique. It would be beneficial if you focused more on your talents and attributes. You have more meaningful gifts to contribute to this world than how you look.
Unfortunately, we are faced with the patriarchal system, where women are being objectified and conditioned to think that we need to have an hourglass figure like Jessica Rabbit from the Bugs Bunny movie or a supermodel figure. If we want to break this system, we need to start accepting ourselves and every woman's body. We are better than this, and we are more than our bodies.
You are a role model.
I decided to change my approach this year because I realised my impact on my children. If I don't love my body, how can they love theirs? I don't want my daughter to see me looking at my body, pinching my tummy, saying negative things like how floppy it is or how big my thighs are, etc. I also do not want her to see me doing crunches and weight loss videos as part of my morning workout routine.
What kind of messages am I sending her? That I'm not good enough? Only when I have the perfect body will I love and accept myself. Instead, I want her to see me as an active person who enjoys walks, hikes, cycles and practises yoga for her mind, body, and spirit. I want her to see me as a whole person so she sees herself as a complete person.
How can you accept your body?
Positive affirmations
Affirmations are effective, and they work on the subconscious level. Affirmations are positive statements that can help you to challenge and overcome self-sabotaging and negative thoughts. When you repeat them often and believe in them, you can start to make positive changes. Take a pen out, write these affirmations on Post It notes, and stick them on your mirror. Try saying the below affirmations out loud and repeating them daily.
I love and accept my body.
I choose to do and say kind things for and about myself.
I am grateful for the body I have.
I have a great body.
I am thankful for my healthy body.
My body thanks me for healthy choices.
Today, I honour my body.
My body is healthy, and I am grateful.
I have a healthy and robust body.
Speak to other moms
By sharing and being vulnerable with other mums, you will realize that you are not alone, and it can help you feel less incapable or feel less like you failed. Every mum I speak to has some issues with their postpartum body and the pressure to bounce back to their pre-baby body. Everyone goes through the same thing, and no one is perfect. By getting emotional support, you will be able to accept your body as it is right now.
Find role models
There are images of mothers who bounce back with their perfect boobs, peach bum, and skinny waist on social media, and it can make you feel insecure or guilty. However, there are other mothers who are changing the social media landscape by sharing their natural bodies. Check out these women who break societal norms by showing their curves, feeling confident and advocating the body positivity movement. They can be a source of role models for you and inspire you to change your perception and accept where you are on your body confidence journey.
Get professional help
If you have problems accepting your body and how you look, it might be worth talking to a therapist or coach to help you work through some of the things that come up for you. For example, perhaps you associate your self-worth with your weight and body, which could be something that happened to you in your childhood that made you feel like you are not worthy of love unless you look a certain way.
In my coaching programs, I help mothers focus on rewiring their mindset and learning how to accept where they are on their health journey. We will explore your unconscious mind and change your narrative using Neuro-Linguistic Programming tools.
Book your first 30-minute coaching session here!
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